Subject Code: 10CS54 
I.A. Marks : 25 
Hours/Week : 04 
Exam Hours: 03 
Total Hours : 52 
Exam Marks: 100 

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UNIT – 1                                  6 Hours 
Introduction: Introduction; An example; Characteristics of Database approach; Actors on the screen; Workers behind the scene; Advantages of using DBMS approach; A brief history of database applications; when not to use a DBMS. Data models, schemas and instances; Three-schema architecture and data independence; Database languages and interfaces; The database system environment; Centralized and client-server architectures; Classification of Database Management systems.

UNIT – 2                                  6 Hours
Entity-Relationship Model: Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design; An Example Database Application; Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys; Relationship types, Relationship Sets, Roles and Structural Constraints; Weak Entity Types; Refining the ER Design; ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions and Design Issues; Relationship types of degree higher than two.

UNIT – 3                                  8 Hours
Relational Model and Relational Algebra : Relational Model Concepts; Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas; Update 38 Operations, Transactions and dealing with constraint violations; Unary Relational Operations: SELECT and PROJECT; Relational Algebra Operations from Set Theory; Binary Relational Operations : JOIN and DIVISION; Additional Relational Operations; Examples of Queries in Relational Algebra; Relational Database Design Using ER- to-Relational Mapping.

UNIT – 4                                  6 Hours 
SQL – 1: SQL Data Definition and Data Types; Specifying basic constraints in SQL; Schema change statements in SQL; Basic queries in SQL; More complex SQL Queries.


UNIT – 5                                  6 Hours 
SQL – 2: Insert, Delete and Update statements in SQL; Specifying constraints as Assertion and Trigger; Views (Virtual Tables) in SQL; Additional features of SQL; Database programming issues and techniques; Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL; Database stored procedures and SQL / PSM.

UNIT – 6                                    6 Hours
Database Design – 1: Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas; Functional Dependencies; Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys; General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms; Boyce-Codd Normal Form

UNIT – 7                                     6 Hours 
Database Design -2: Properties of Relational Decompositions; Algorithms for Relational Database Schema Design; Multivalued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form; Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form; Inclusion Dependencies; Other Dependencies and Normal Forms

UNIT – 8                                       8 Hours 
Transaction Management: The ACID Properties; Transactions and Schedules; Concurrent Execution of Transactions; Lock- Based Concurrency Control; Performance of locking; Transaction support in SQL; Introduction to crash recovery; 2PL, Serializability and Recoverability; Lock Management; Introduction to ARIES; The log; Other recovery-related structures; The write-ahead log protocol; Checkpointing; Recovering from a System Crash; Media Recovery; Other approaches and interaction with concurrency control.

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